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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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taunts and all the bonds are devoid of business you know here's contrasts between pro and anti presenter protesters and egypt's capital cairo five people were killed and many more injured overnight as sporadic fighting continued. for a mix in danger of losing its top european ally the amount of homework. space and political isolation over the stop and start settlement approach and palestine whose state who was recently on pointed out that you are. on to be diagnosed it's published three countries to secrete economy gas and austerity prescription from the finance minister with the public being force fed ex hikes and spending.
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this is coming to live from moscow hello and welcome to the program tongues and all my vehicles have been deployed to the presidential palace in egypt's capital cairo after a night of street battles which cold file an injured hundreds the violence started once thousands of president morsy supporters moved into a crush of setting off his opponents the standoff became the bloodiest says they'll prising things the president began two weeks ago cairo based reporter belcher told me the latest. right now i have to hurry square work the scenes. the have been scuffles on the square here behind me outside the presidential palace i tried reports that the clashes have broken out during the day but basically we've seen very violent scenes overnight my colleague tom barton was there reporting from the
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scene we're about as close as we cracked to the fighting here in central cairo near the presidential palace a few. muslim brotherhood supporters up there is pelting stones to see morsy persisters here who are giving as much stones back to the crowds are flowing to and fro injuries are going carried back when their stores with head wounds and other wounds from the flying stones moment talk can't tales are being thrown the buildings were a set your alarm set on the fire so it is an immensely violent situation even just send it from an earlier in the day when the person who is supporters arrived at the un to you know see a protest has come dismantled that i'm attached to them this is a mistake to take. action that wasn't the kind statement. in the streets how the been any signs of violence outside cairo and we're seeing violence in other cities like a serious and in particular the headquarters of the muslim brotherhoods have been
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attacked which is which has already happened last week during these clashes between rival protest groups following morsi is what they called power grab concessions that gratian he would himself sweeping powers and of course the constitution which is being put to referendum possibly next week which many of the opposition groups sees it just in this president morsi has yet to come forward and address his opposition which has been one of the major criticisms of him in addition there's been some reaction from his aides several members of the presidential committee have quit in protest of of this in addition we've had reports he says news wires that the interior ministry is calling this a civil war although i think this is probably an overstatement but definitely we are seeing unprecedented levels of violence between citizens including possibly use of like i'm going to sion definite use of guns. and also in journalists runs a brute's down the rest of the fallout from last year's revolution which has taken
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on a life of its. i think what's happening in egypt is not revolution if it's not civil war it's certainly not revolution the revolution in the popular sense we haven't really seen that what is underway in egypt is that the. those who brought the revolution and those who succeeded along with the revolution to achieve many of its objectives are now divided and now they are divided around political and partly ideological principles it's not exactly value driven it's politically driven type of clashes it's not a revolution but rather the revolution is right now feeding on itself and it's eating its own children in my opinion in order for the political elites for various political parties for the islamists or liberals or others in order for them to. intensify or rather concentrate their power and their hold over power in egypt so
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it's really it's if it's a revolution it is that that is aimed at achieving power or rather it's a power struggle as opposed to a popular revolution as we've seen in the past. fear isn't there and the headlines of the serious conflict in chemical weapons supply. later in the program report on the nerve agent who is bracing for the media which critics say is another attempt to fire up a greater sympathy and. there was a frost to ask us here between israel's prime minister binyamin netanyahu and one of his closest european allies the german chancellor angela merkel at their annual meeting in berlin that has said he was disappointed over germany's choice to abstain or palestine statehood bid in the u.n. trail assembly palestine was granted nonmember observer state status and the end of november which nearly all of europe supporting with nearly all of europe supporting it or abstaining less than a day after that israel an ounce plans to build three thousand pounds of pallets.
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and american damaged by germany and the rest of. their merkel has launched netanyahu he risks political isolation massive military trade deals between the two states are still expected to go ahead on the other hand free trade with the e.u. is something that supposedly sovereign palestine isn't allowed to have as artist peter all of our reports. produce of israel except this isn't israel this is the jordan valley in the west bank and this farm is deemed illegal under international law the european union imports around three hundred million dollars worth of products from here each year now a group of twenty two n.g.o.s from across europe is looking to highlight the issue and it's published a report in which it claims e.u. imports make the settlements viable because they are produced in illegal settlements which are contrary to international humanitarian law should be banned
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out of the european union now if this is not possible at least the consumers have to have the possibility to. to decide for themselves if they want to buy products which have been produced in legal settlements your c. farms this land is much concerned by the thoughts of european n.g.o.s he says he's here because his government told him it was ok to be here. because i was told he. saw a circle where i was told they could do it tomorrow the state of israel told me time to go i'll go i'm told i'm an occupier when i got here there was nothing. and we made it. in denmark and the united kingdom goods coming from settlements in the west bank already has to be marked differently to denote that it's not from israel the collective n.g.o.s want to see this implemented europe wide here in europe there are many people with ties to the middle east region and they want to make sure they know exactly where their produce is coming from. are you sure this comes
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from spain renee is a palestinian living in germany she has family in the west bank and says the israeli checkpoints mean palestinian farmers are losing out to the settlers even even the few things they get jordan they really kick point keep them at the checkpoints for days under the sun. and then you can't even vegetables anymore those behind the report into trade between the settlements in europe say they aren't trying to organize any kind of witch hunt we're not talking about boycotting jews over here we're not talking about even boycotting israel itself we're talking about making a difference differentiating between. legal israeli products which should be bought by european citizens as much as they want corso short and second products which are totally legal and should be banned and people should not buy. our t.
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. syria's chemical weapon arsenal is again whipping up a frenzy at least in the us media named american official has reportedly said damascus has begun its chemical weapons stockpiles it's impossible to verify the and skeptics are saying rumors that being spread internationally intentionally to justify greater aid for rebels or even intervention meanwhile the conflict in syria continues to spread further afield the fighting between those and against assad killing six and lebanon middle east expert dr adam and really the whole region is now in the gulf in the center and. the danger of what's happening in syria is that we are seeing increased emphasis. identity's sectarian war. and this is likely to spread this is the danger of the syrian equation that we are likely to see an escalation of the tensions and we are likely
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to see brad this confrontation to other countries in the region and it's going likely to take on more sectarian more ideological confrontation lebanon is a very fragile country a country of money. groups jordan is another candidate turkey is also vulnerable because it faces tensions with itself and it's growing likely to take more sectarian more ideological confrontation and this is on top of that we are likely to see more and more of the regional powers drawn into this conflict as we are seeing international powers have been drawn into it as well. as bree's a chinese style inmate labor scheme on its own soil will tell you about going to prison terms of millions of dollars on lobbying stricter laws here in the biggest companies to do business that's after the president.
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a forty nine year old southern california man was thrown in president charles with possessing materials to make an explosive device all because of his rather unusual wristwatch despite the bomb squad saying that his watch was not a weapon here rated custody for twenty four hours and was charged with the crime anyways a spokesman for the el meter county sheriff's department said that the man's watch had all the components to make an improvised explosive device minus the explosive material you know having a lighter in your pocket is also everything you need to self exposure minus the gun powder but before we make a victim out of this watch where i have to point out one thing the watch she was wearing was designed to look like some sort of bomb with fuses and wires and switches so who's more idiotic someone who wears a device that looks like a bomb on an airplane or
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a government who convict someone for having the components of a bomb without that bit of the bomb that makes a blow up i'd say both are pretty dumb but that's just my opinion. go to the. audience technology innovation all the moves developments from around russia we've got the future covered. news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world history of canada. change operations through today.
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the gold fever. turned thousands into slaves. but also among brothers involved and since i started working when i stayed here a look at it. says multinationals. is a cash cow to be milked dry at least i think that in this country is gold medal logie as an environmental cost which is unacceptable nobody's business has made it illegal and controlled by criminals you know in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups what price is colombia going to pay. the fee at the modest effect on r.t. .
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this is all see welcome back while the rest of the us may be struggling for work there's currently a real boom of job offers for inmates in the country by the state and some of the biggest private companies are now enjoying the fruits of a cheap and resume available workforce with tens of millions of dollars spent by private prisons to keep their jails full well she's going to check and takes up the story. in the us the market for cheap labor is booming behind bars in the last fifteen years partnership between prisons and private manufacturers has increased significantly there are becoming america's very own chinese manufacturing line behind prison walls prisons in fact advertise themselves as such as an alternative
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to outsourcing cheap labor to china or elsewhere on the web we came across this pitch that prisons prepared to persuade private sector companies to come and do business with them take a look. there is not enough folks that will do this type of work in this country so therefore we're training bringing back this industry that is starkly has been going out of this country and we're putting it you know inside the walls and it's absolutely a perfect idea. i have a workforce that is not the kind of problems or babysitting arms etc there are always here and there always will to come to learn. your business or leave a wide variety of industries take advantage of prison labor among many other things prisoners make clothing textiles electronics furniture and even solar panels just as we're trying to get china to start with their prison labor hours isn't the same term hundreds of companies have used prison labor directly or through
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subcontractors including microsoft boeing starbucks tory secret and others. or federal tax. rate compensated up to forty percent of the way to. reduce tax payers to howards the need to provide medical care and everything for all the region we do there's a tax payer it comes out of the tax and bury the actual purging we're already healthy and in shape to go out and. private companies hardworking and reliable make sure want to work every day well. terribly work in prison is mandatory and the choice many inmates have is whether to work for a government run prison industry for less than a dollar an hour or a private one for a minimum wage of around six dollars a unit cory's a government owned corporation that uses prison labor to produce all kinds of goods
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mainly for other government agencies one hundred seventy five different types of products and services you see the variety listed on their website they to partner up with private firms now last year unicorn's revenue nine hundred million dollars the spars private prisons are concerned two of the country's biggest prison corporations made three point three billion dollars last year alone private prisons are treated in that york stock exchange they are for profit companies and the savings that they reap from using inmate labor. go to their bottom line it's money they otherwise don't have to spend in order to keep. large prison populations and harsh sentences result in greater profits america's three major private prison companies spend around forty five million dollars over the past ten years on lobbying state and federal governments for supporting immigrant detention mandatory minimum sentences three strikes laws and other legislative measures that contribute
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to the growth of america's gigantic prison population the u.s. now holds more people behind bars than any other nation more than two million that's one quarter of all prisoners in the world from a cost effectiveness point of view the forty five million dollars that private prisons have reportedly spent over the past decade lobbying to keep prisons fall he's peanuts compared to the viewings that they make every year one can argue about the many causes and effects of america's skyrocketing incarceration rate but since prisons became a for profit industry in the u.s. thirty years ago the number of prisoners has gone up dramatically not to say that it was the only cause behind the spike but many argue will support of it and now with the cheap labor market expanding behind american bars one is wondering whether the justice system in the u.s. is adopting market values in washington i'm going to check on. and on our website the cable company which ones to know you better much better at telecom trying to finalize
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a patent what equipment that will be watching you while you watch t v it's all designed to best of time get to you at the time. and if you are smart series taser international part of police electrocute him and his own causing problems brain damage had along to our website for them to manage. austerity seems to be the future for britain at least where the government extended its massive cost program for five more years a defined finance minister waved away immediate protest same tax hikes would help heal the country's ailing economy. has more now on london's proposed keel well everyone now madly picking their way through but while we're there a lot of thing is one thing that was very very clear and that's in the u.k. is even more sturdy know what those figures showed us was that the u.k. economy is going to shrink by your point one percent to five hundred twenty twelve
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now it sounds like a small amount but of course no sign of that all important growth in fact what we seeing is that borrowing has gone up we think that the debt has risen and fallen most crucially i think it's probably the fact that the government had no reduction target so we're now facing an extended austerity program is going to take its right away three to twenty eighteenth's a pretty gloomy outlook and this is what we. call going to really not be what millions of families all across the again to one thing here and of course this is really going to see in real terms. and among the demonstrators that i was kate hudson from the coalition of resistance who feels as the multibillion pound nuclear weapons program that should be getting the. britain's spending on nuclear weapons this is not the fundamental issue it's something that the vast majority of the population is that great currently we are spending three billion
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pounds a year just on maintaining existing systems we know the government wants to spend a hundred billion pounds on replacing this weapons of mass destruction system what could backed by britain that could buy credible amounts of investment in really industrial development sustainable energy investment things that would really work to regenerate our economy yet the chancellor is tinkering around the edges our government needs to address these problems it's elected by the people to provide services for the people to make our country run properly it's not a government that's been elected to help the big corporations we have to see a change here and turning to some other international news in brief this hour at least eight people have been killed after a five point five magnitude earthquake hit eastern iran needs border with afghanistan there are three as the number of casualties could rise as emergency
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workers struggle to rescue those who was trapped under rubble the quake was caused to devastate has caused devastation to more than a dozen villagers demanding buildings and causing damage in buildings and cutting power lines that. which has been battering the philippines for the last two days has left almost three hundred and fifty dead this storm moved out of populated areas of me down wednesday tens of thousands fled their homes as the heavy rains and winds rolled across southern and central regions of the country cutting off power into entire provinces rescue teams have been working in the worst hit areas but it's fears the number of casualties will rise. information that europeans keep stored online using so-called cloud technology could be assessed by us. law enforcement agencies that's according to a report issued by one university in amsterdam which reveals that under terrorism
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patriot act gives washington legal grounds to bypass europe's privacy laws the legislature was passed in two thousand and one after their target of nine eleven granting more powers to u.s. intelligence gathering data. a russian state t.v. channel presenter has been killed and capital one southern republic two unidentified a man approached twenty six year old kira as he was heading home after presenting his evening news program his colleagues say they asked him whether he was indeed the news anchor for shooting him in the head and chest to other news presenters in the same region who have recently received death threats and the company was forced to take them off the air hours after the assassination the car of the republican deputy transport minister was also blown up and the city official was said to have suffered no wounds but his life is not in danger. and over to washington d.c. now lauren lister's cup to account is coming up in
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a few minutes. in japan the average height for men is one hundred eighty two centimeters in ten centimeters shorter because of that some employers refused to hire me one of them even told me directly that i was too short to deal with the clients computers already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to hysterics or invented by the famed soviet off the beat is good really reserve in the night in the fifty's these frames were initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them up more and therefore stimulating tissue regeneration. was able to reach. arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life piecing together patients shattered bones and in many cases their shattered lives were in
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the ingle when professing designed his first brain using bicycle parts sixty years later his invention is increasingly being used to help people quite eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same fixing somebodies lives both literally and figuratively about a third of patients admitted she was out of center now days seeking surgery. most of them are men and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor know because who operated on many of them sas it usually comes down to man's pride. the first patient to turn to us with a leg length i mean a quest to meet his fifteen centimeters to be still want to surgery because panos to than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix that it may be nothing wrong with them from the p.d. point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living
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their lowest fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries abound in many countries and even the out there pretty expensive in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package in the united states financial considerations were one of the reasons they brought this washington state native to western siberia main motive for the surgery had to do with how he fares in the others in america average is one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty eight and so eight centimeters would have brought me right to average users wanted to be average for women height is a portent you know i think girl can be short and it's not a big deal here guy is like expected to be taller just before the operation. this mad a russian girl who phoned he's a regional hype why didn't do you think if he still went ahead with the surgery
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adding seven more centimeters to the self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're pretty. so now or so they call you so what a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. viz your headlines for wednesday december fifth two thousand and twelve while the world how its economic cast on the u.s. fiscal problems or the drama in europe what might be we be missing elsewhere say japan the former c.e.o. of the japanese company olympus michael woodford is here he went from feel level executive to whistleblower he's here to talk about the one point seven billion
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dollar fraud he exposed as well as what he thinks about war and your business practices and economic help in japan and president obama says he'd love to have a business leader for his economic team this term but he says it is just so hard to recruit why. the confirmation process has become so miserable so drawn out. now it may not get as much play but how does senate confirmation get in the way of properly policing the financial sector we'll have a reality check plus former senator alan simpson has been a guest on the show and he has a new message for millennial. used to grammy your breakfast your first world problems and getting on you tube show you can see gangnam style. we all talk. more about what's behind the death related directive in loose change let's get to today's capital account.
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the company olympus if you're not familiar many are but it's the japanese manufacturer of medical equipment and cameras like these. soldiers and closer they're getting. well maybe the former c.e.o. got a little too close but it was big news back in the spring of two thousand and eleven when michael would bird a westerner was made president of the company the first westerner to really climb the ranks from within a major japanese corporation then in october of two thousand and eleven he became the c.e.o. of olympus in addition to president but just two weeks.


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